Hey, ever had one of those shower thoughts, you know the ones where you go, “Wait a minute… how have I made it this far?” I mean, think about it. Out of millions—and yes there are literally millions—of different ways you could have shuffled off this mortal coil, you’ve dodged every single one of them, and you’re doing it right now. Yup, you read that right! We’re alive, high five!
Life is basically a real-life version of an obstacle course, at least the way I see it. Just crossing the street’s a feat, right? (I swear, the crosswalk lights are in cahoots with oncoming traffic sometimes.) Add to that the everyday hazards: slippery bathroom floors, choking on food (’cause I’ve inhaled my fair share of pretzels), and the mystery of “Do Not Eat” packets in packaging. (Who’s actually tempted by those silica gels?)
Ever had one of those showdowns with a corner—the kind that magically leaps out to stub your toe? Oh, the drama those produce! But look at you, you’re still standing (heroically, I might add amid the pain).
Not to get all existential, but there’s something comforting—and a little hilarious—about it. Like, you’re doing this whole life thing pretty darn well. In fact, you’re on a streak, almost like a champ in a video game.
Next time you triage the groceries (or dodge a rogue pigeon, or is it dodging you), remember this—you’re not just surviving, you’re thriving amid life’s slapstick gauntlet. Keep on weaving through those wild, untamed hazards with grace, humor, and maybe a bit of awe. After all, you’re a living, breathing testament to life’s improbability because there are litterly a million ways to die. Keep on rocking it!
A Million Ways to Die